From Co-workers to Success Squad


You and your co-workers are not necessarily friends, but that doesn’t mean you can't be either. It's important to utilize the relationships around you at work. I'm not talking about the networking that you get taught, I'm talking about using your relationships at work to further your own stability and strength. Just like a friend in your personal life you need people that understand the way you work, why you work, and people that can be there for you.

With your work friends, it is a different type of relationship but that doesn't mean you can't completely show them who you are. The more they know you and the more you know them, the more you can help each other. This is the key. You need to find people that can help you by knowing your strengths and weaknesses on a slightly more personal level, than say, your boss. That way, when it comes to those situations that you try to deal with internally and are trying to filter out all your real thoughts when communicating it to others, you don’t have to. It’s good to have a work friend where you can tell them the full story, debate, crisis, question, or whatever it is and that they will understand. And vice-versa. You should know your work friend well enough that when they come to you, you can see beyond the words, where they are coming from and how to help them. This goes along with the emotional intelligence concept, and I do recommend reading Emotional Intelligence 2.0, but you need experiences and time to strengthen this, learn, and figure it out. So start now.

Having this sort of person can help you feel calmer when you deal with stressful situations, not panic when you have dumb questions and don't know who to ask, and just enjoy work a little more. I'm sure we all have some sort of 'friends' at work, or hopefully, because it can definitely be lonely and isolating without them. I'm just saying to reflect and see if these people really know YOU. See if they know you where they can look beyond your words and know why you are communicating, what your internal debate looks like, and how to best help, guide and support you.

Support each other and help each other to be the best and feel your best at work.

